On November 23, 2010 we summited Springer Mountain- southern terminus of the Appalachian trail. We celebrated at the finish line, in the dense fog and rain, with our friends Lucky and Charm and we're so happy to be done! Not because it's over with, (although it was getting pretty cold over the last 2 months) but because we did what we set out to do on July 2, 2010- thru hike the Appalachian Trail together.
We made it! But not with out help and encouragement from friends, family, fellow thru hikers, trail angels, and complete strangers. Our trip was long- 2,179 miles in 4 months and 3 weeks. It was hard- hot, cold, wet, muddy, rocky, rough, and tedious. There were sore muscles, sore feet, long days, and times of complete exhaustion. But most of all it was rewarding beyond words- incredible views, complete solitude, peaceful campsites, mountain air, cooling rain, invigorating winds, sunny places to take long breaks in the afternoons, hot coffee on chilly mornings, a warm sleeping bag to climb into every night, abundant wildlife, instant friendships, time to think, and best of all, we made this journey together, sharing all the beauty, the highs and lows, and the thrill of being in the wilderness, with the one that we love.
Thank you to everyone who followed along and encouraged us! For us, the trail has ended but the journey continues. And as we continue to walk with each other though life, we'll always remember this first, very long walk that we took together.
well done! i look forward to seeing you guys this weekend.