Still Walking...

We set this blog up to chronicle our Southbound hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2010. We called our blog A Long Walk Together. Our hike was a great success, and to this day we continue to walk to gather in marriage, in adventures, in life, and in love. I decided that if our walk isn't over, this blog's not over either.


Leaving on a Jet Plane

With our gear shipped ahead to Maine and all other belongings in storage, we flew out of Orlando yesterday afternoon. By 11:30 we were in Bangor, Maine trying to get some sleep on the floor in the airport. We had limited success.
So this morning we were up for a 5am breakfast in the airport before venturing to town. We walked to the bus station, bought our tickets for this evening and got some vague directions to the library 3 miles away in downtown Bangor. Thanks to some kid on his way to summer school who was heading our way anyway, we made it... only to find out we were an hour early so we walked around town like vagabonds. Its nice not having anything to do.
We had a great time in Florida this last week, visiting friends and family. We really enjoyed all the hiking questions- what do you eat? how far do you walk? do you carry a tent? etc. We try to paint a rosy picture of this hike but we've noticed that others' descriptions aren't as flattering. Our aunt Amy and cousin Shana both had comical ways of describing our walk in the woods as an endless trudge in the worst possible conditions. All we could do is laugh nervously. We know this hike will, at times, be closer to their description than our own. But our hearts are in this and we plan on laughing our way through all of our misadventures.
Tomorrow morning we climb Katahdin and start walking south. We'll have to make it through the '100 mile wilderness' before our first town stop. If we are able to get online in Monson, ME you can expect another post in 11 days or so.