Still Walking...

We set this blog up to chronicle our Southbound hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2010. We called our blog A Long Walk Together. Our hike was a great success, and to this day we continue to walk to gather in marriage, in adventures, in life, and in love. I decided that if our walk isn't over, this blog's not over either.


Made it to Massechusetts

Alright 600 miles and 3 states down! (1500 miles and 10 states to go) Finally we are able to do 20 miles a day on a regular basis. We've made a few new friends and our old friend, Dr. Geo, caught back up with us. Today we're in Dalton, Mass. We woke up and walked 10 miles to town (the trail goes right through town), where we went by the post office to pick up a box sent by my sister, Kara. She sure knows how to pack a hiker box! It was full to the brim with goodies and home made brownies! Thanks, Kara! We're checking our email (and blogging) at the library now. Next is lunch, then we're going to find a free shower we saw advertised to hikers on a bulletin board at the edge of town. We have a few other chores to do and then we'll be walking a few more miles back into the woods tonight.
A few interesting experiences we've had in this last section of trail: 1) There have been multiple fire towers on mountain tops that we've crossed over lately. The views (if you can stomach the climb up the old rickety towers) are amazing. 2) The trail goes through a small town called Cheshire, Mass where we decided to stay last night (for free in a church that offers hikers a room in their fellowship hall) We walked down the street to a pizzeria/pub where we were told immediately upon sitting down that if we didn't have clean shirts to put on we'd have to close the window by our table because it was blowing our smell over to the bar and someone was complaining. For a restaurant centered around the trail, we were not feeling welcome. 3) Saw a naked hiker. He was bare butt naked and offered no apologies or explanations. You just never know what the trail will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/07/2010

    We have snowshoed in and stayed the weekend at one of the fire lookouts that overlooks clear lake, and Timothy lake (Mt.Hood, OR). It was beautiful and amazing to wake to the view!

    No nude hikers in the snow!

    Love the updates!

    Michelle Soll
